SKK X4 Camera Test

Wazzup Everybody? SKK X4 Brought us with the Unique Camera Feature of 13MP Rotatable Camera which captures great memories including Self-portraits with just a rotation and the Price that (might) everyone can afford. Let's see if this camera could be great in different scenes and modes after the break!
Going back to the Camera Specification of the SKK X4, It has a 13MP Rotatable Camera or I like to call It "Front and Rear Camera." SKK X4 will undergo to a Four major camera tests: Macro Test, Zoom Test, HDR Test, and Low Light/Night Test.

Macro Test:

On our First Camera Test is how SKK X4 do in a Macro Shot.
 SKK X4 Did an Excellent work on Macro Shot. As the shot from the above, the SKK X4 maintains it's quality even when it's zoomed.The Color looks great as well. I'll give for this test a Perfect 10/10.

Zoom Test:

SKK X4 Doesn't have (obviously) have a Optical Zoom but in this test, We will see how far the SKK X4 Could Get on a single 13MP Shot.
I mean, what could I expect more for a 13MP Camera that is also rotatable? but this one Surprises Me: This have a Little bit more Detail than the other 13MP Cameras I tried. You can see a Person and the Blue Car by Zooming it In. I'll give you the RAW Footage of the Photos I've been edited on this article later. I'll give this one a 8/10 because 13MP isn't the Highest Megapixel Camera you can get on a Smartphone and When It zoomed the image, it's a little bit grainy.

High Definition Range (HDR) Test:

Most of Smartphone's Camera is Capable of High Definition Range (HDR) these days, Let's see how SKK X4 Performs in HDR Mode:
  First one is a Landscape Shot: You can see the Difference Pretty Quickly. I was expecting for an HDR Shot to be more Vivid but SKK X4 HDR Mode is like Color Correcting and Color Grading the Shot which is Pretty Nice.
Most of the Sensors tricks the HDR Mode by enhancing the Color ONLY. This one Corrects the Shot even on Macro. As the photo from the above, SKK X4's Camera Corrected the Brightness of the shot which is almost 80% accurate to your vision. So I'll give this another perfect 10/10.

Low Light/Night Test:

They said It's a shame that I couldn't get a Low Light Shot on my House (during the Unboxing). The Main Reason is I got that Review Unit on the Daylight and the curtains of my small apartment doesn't darken our place AT ALL. I was supposed to be doing a Low Light Shot by the Night but I'm featuring this from the Sept. 13 2014 Episode of The Big Time Show. Well, here It is.

Let's go to the Low Light Shots First:
The Photo Above is the Example. The Details of the Subject (which is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's Applejack) remains the details but darken.

Another Indoor Low Light Shot: It doesn't affect too much of the details but It's pretty hard to get a crisp photo because suddenly ISO automatically lowers and when you move when capturing, you will end up a blurry shot. (You cannot set the ISO on this Camera though)
Like I said earlier, when It gets darker, the ISO automatically sets lower. This what happens when you move when Capturing in Night Mode. Although the details are Pretty good (but not the shot above). 
This is the Only Con I found when doing a Low Light or Night Shot. But the details remains intact and I'll give this a 5/10.

Before we get to the Final Verdict; In case you wanna see the Camcorder Test of the SKK X4 (which renders up to 1080p Video), You can watch it here:

Final Verdict: SKK X4 Did a Very Good Job as a 13MP Camera which is also Rotatable. But It's best to Hold your Breath before Pressing the Shutter Button when taking a Night Mode but It doesn't make a big deal at all. The Average of the SKK X4's Camera is 8.5/10, but I'll add another .5 for the Rotatable Feature so I'll give this a Total 9/10.

PROS: Better Details, High Resolution (13MP), 13MP Front AND Rear Camera, Color Corrects and Grades the Shot instead of making more Vivid in HDR Mode, Easy to Do Macro Shots.

The ISO automatically decreases when Capturing on Night and Low Light Mode, Grainy when zoomed, and no Advanced Options (but That's not-so con after all because you can get a Third-Party Camera App with Advanced Settings which is DEFINITELY NOT Camera 360, but the Camera FV-5.)

About the Photos I used and You want them Unedited/RAW. Click this Link to Download the Zip File and I'll let you discover it for yourself. Thanks for your time to read all the way here and Stay tuned for the Full Review and Verdict of the SKK X4.

 Stay Updated to the SKK Facebook Page and You Might find a good deal and/or discount when buying SKK X4!